Trainings & Workshops!
350Vermont’s Trainings & Workshops are integral to our organizing and leadership development priorities. Our organizing model & theory of change focus on building a leader-full movement, rather than one driven by staff or “experts”, and our trainings program provides the skills, knowledge, and tools to drive bold, people-powered action on climate. Our trainings use popular education and experiential education models to ground the content in their own lives and empower participants to turn their learnings into action.
Trainings & Workshops we offer!
This workshop explores the intersection of the climate crisis and social justice issues – specifically at this moment in the context of Vermont.
This workshop is designed to support individuals and groups to dig into the roots of the climate crisis and explore how and why working for climate justice necessitates the dismantling of racism and white supremacy culture.
This workshop is a chance to explore different ways we make change and support each other as we each find our own answers to how we want to engage in changemaking.
Learn skills, tools, and techniques for facilitating inclusive, energetic meetings that gets things done.
This workshop offers skills and knowledge to craft the story of your own climate activism and practice sharing that story out loud to encourage other people to take action.
This workshop offers tools and frameworks for thinking about building campaigns, long term success, base-building, and actionable goals.
Through role plays and exercises, we will learn the importance of collective action and its connection to collective liberation, the basics of NVDA (nonviolent direct action) theory, creative tactics for shutting things down to open them up, and legal factors to consider, all with a focus on how to use NVDA strategically within a campaign.
This workshop can help answer basic questions and support you as you design your next policy-related strategy.
Request a 350Vermont
Training or Workshop!
If you’re looking for a particular workshop or training to support your local 350VT group or other organizing group, in addition to those above, please check out the list above. Some of these programs are run by current 350VT staff and others may be run by leaders and volunteers within our broader climate justice community. Some of them may have special scheduling constraints, space and materials needs, and/or content related financial costs. We can adjust timing and content according to your requirements.
To express interest or learn more please contact trainings@350vt.org.
If you believe as strongly as we do that it is crucial to grow the skills, knowledge, and talent of our members, consider making an investment directly in that work.
Some Past Trainings & Workshops!